What Self Presentation Means To...YOU

There is so much that can be said about this topic, I don't even know where to begin. This post could be titled "Finding Your Personal Style," I guess, or "Clean Out Your Closet for Good!" But, especially for women, the topic of how a person puts themselves together, (or chooses not to)  is one that can cause some considerable debate.  It is politically, emotionally, often ethically charged, when we talk about the provenance and price of our clothing, what wearing and using what really means. And then- there's the make-up we use... And the quality, the organic "cleanness," of said make-up. Of course, then also,  is the loaded "style" aspect of all these myriad choices, and what they "mean" to one's personal expression. #Oy...!

Which is why, I think, so many people just, well, sort of give up on their own self-presentation, after awhile. They let their bodies go. Wear the same yoga pants every weekend. Dread opening their closet doors! Yikes. I know this feeling. It's funny, I feel my home so much more greatly expresses who I am, so much more than my choice of clothing shoes, accessories and hairstyle do. I wonder how common this really is...

My mother told me she always got dressed for herself when she was younger. But I have heard many women say that they dress for other women. This means that we want sort of invisible nods and kudos from each other for looking cool, attractive, and put together. We want the approval and acceptance of other women. This makes sense, to a certain extent. (Guys, I'm sorry to leave you out of this. I just have no data on this, in terms of you all.) 

But what if, say, one day, we have the need to channel the very 'Seventies look of our first baby sitter's hair? Or want to pretend we are an artist's' model from Paris, circa 1923? Then what? What if it's simply too stressful, expensive, outlandish, childish, waste-of-time, frivolous (pick any adjective that suits you!) to express yourself, well, through yourself, and the way you put yourself together? How do you even start, if you do in fact have the creative desire to try and cultivate a more daring, or just more put-together, cute, athletic (again, pick your adjective, here) look?

It is rather challenging, right? 

I am working on a special project that will address this very issue, and I would love to hear back from you! Please email us your thoughts about you go about loving and feeling your best-vis a vis your self-presentation, I'd love to hear how you go about it. (Or don't go about it!)

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts! xo

I am certain one of my many neighborhood babysitters in the 70s used Breck shampoo! They always had the raddest, longest, cool-girl hair, that I still, to this day, struggle to emulate. :)

I am certain one of my many neighborhood babysitters in the 70s used Breck shampoo! They always had the raddest, longest, cool-girl hair, that I still, to this day, struggle to emulate. :)


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