What is House & Mind? Hi! I'm Francesca...


being creative, fulfilling your life’s goals, running a family, creating or keeping up with your career…

…these all start with something very simple: Where and how we live. On House & Mind, you will find articles about the love of "keeping house," organizing and design, along with pieces on the “deeper” issues of home, heart and living a creative, enriching and thoughtful life...I also am a writer, budding filmmaker, lover of literature and great mysteries!

I created this site for people like me: You love organizing your space, but are looking to delve much deeper into what makes your life smoother, richer and more fun…You may have certain creative or life or relationship blocks or challenges, or simply want ways to better tidy up your linen closet! It’s all here…

I hope you enjoy it.

xo Francesca McCaffery

Contributors: Mick Kubiak, LMFT

YOUR INNER HOUSE perfectly sums up the House & Mind philosophy:

For many of us, our homes are our sanctuaries. They provide us with refuge from the world out there—no matter how noisy, how unpredictable, how cruel, or how demanding it gets-at the end of the day, we can step into our safe spaces, and shut the door. We turn the lock with a deep sigh of relief. Here, we find peace and beauty for our weary hearts. We fall onto the couch, as if into the arms of a supportive and nurturing friend. There is a common phrase—all the comforts of home—that captures this daily return to safety and warmth…

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