Tiny Tidy: Your Medicine Cabinet!
This one, for some reason, seems to strike a note of dread in many-but-much like the Make-Up Bag Tiny Tidy from last week, can actually, dare I say, be "fun." You can discover some new stuff that has been hiding, give away what you're not using, and make room and way for some new treats!
Now, full disclosure, I also have a few, roomy drawers under my linen closet- which I use to store first-aid stuff, extra medicine like cough syrup and the like, as well as spare make-up, hairbrushes and sewing supplies, as well as some extra toiletries. I do keep these pretty organized, and because of this fact-my medicine cabinet never really gets too out-of-control.
Okay, ready-or-not-here we GO!:
What You Need:
-Fave natural cleanser
-A rag or two
-New Con-Tact Paper (if you're feeling super ambitious) for the little shelves and sides and far "wall" of your medicine cabinet
- Make a clear, clean space, maybe lined with a towel, where you can literally dump everything into (or line your sink with a handtowel-and conveniently use that space.)
- Dump everything out!
- Wipe down the gunked-up shelves and inside of the medicine cabinet. Use the cleanser and Magic Eraser, and really get in there!
- Wipe down even more with the rags, even pulling out the little shelves, if you can.
- Look at all of the stuff you dumped out. Take a very CLOSE look.
- What is old/icky/expired? What?! Be ruthless. (You can do it.) Go through any meds, hair ties, lotions, potions, hair stuff, make-up in there- whatever it is!
- Separate the products and things that you are tossing or maybe giving away, if some things are still in good shape, but sadly unused. That's okay! Someone else will love & appreciate that Leave-In Hair Conditioner or fancy soap you never use, and has been just gathering dust and sitting in there for awhile.
- If extra ambitious-cut and use the new Con-Tact Paper here-on the shelves and/or interior of your medicine cabinet.
- Start carefully putting things back, but be strategic about it! Don't just toss the stuff back in.
- What do you reach for the very most, twice a day (or more???) Cleanser? Moisturizer? Toothbrush and toothpaste? Put what you use the most in the most accessible, easy-to-reach-for area of your medicine cabinet.
- Some More Tips: Keep the nail polish and serums and things you use on a more sporadic basis on your tippy-top shelves.
- Get creative-group like things with like, and then even group by color-just for fun!
- Make a little list of things you need and maybe WANT! Hey, a new nail polish can do wonders for both one's psych, peace of mind, and anxiety level. Especially when you open that cabinet, and feel a ray of soothing, calm organized sunshine, instead of getting hit by an errant bottle of nail polish remover!
Have a great weekend! xo
Restock the fun and affordable way, thorugh our friends at Target below:
Where you come home from a long, hard day, there is GREAT temptation to just toss your stuff any old place, crack open a bottle of wine and put your feet up…But what if you could get to the fun part after you quickly get organized for the next day? That’s what a perfectly functioning Landing Strip in your home should do for you (and your family): Get you good & ready for the next day’s activities/work. So! With those thoughts in mind, let’s get to it…!