Mick Kubiak

Inner Housekeeping-Pt 3

Inner Housekeeping-Pt 3

Welcome to the third and final installment of the Inner Housekeeping Series! By this point in the process, you have spent some good quality time taking up residence in your inner home. You might be amazed at how much more energy you have, and how much more present you feel after this relatively small commitment of time and energy…

TINY TIDY : Your Cell Phone!

TINY TIDY : Your Cell Phone!

Have you ever scrolled through your contacts in your cell phone, and your heart absolutely lurches, because you forgot to delete the number of the guy who ghosted you five years ago (or vice versa!) or it pricks up and races when you see the number for that tutor you never called for your kid's advanced math class!? Today, we are getting rid of all that shame, stress and blah-ness that comes from looking at a device that may be filled with contacts and apps that do not express or reflect the good and juicy and interesting life you are living right now...

Inner Housekeeping-Pt 2

Inner Housekeeping-Pt 2

So here we are in phase of 2 of checking out your inner home. Last week, you just started to get the feeling of your inner home, and to sit in it consciously for five minutes each day. This week, you will go one tiny step further into inhabiting your inner space. After a week of turning the volume down on your thoughts, and tuning in to how you feel inside, you may notice that without doing anything else, you already feel more present and embodied. Just feeling how you feel can be something of a revelation…

Start Right Here...

Start Right Here...

by Mick Kubiak, LMFT

For many of us, our homes are our sanctuaries. They provide us with refuge from the world out there—no matter how noisy, how unpredictable, how cruel, or how demanding it gets-at the end of the day, we can step into our safe spaces, and shut the door. We turn the lock with a deep sigh of relief. Here, we find peace and beauty for our weary hearts. We fall onto the couch, as if into the arms of a supportive and nurturing friend. There is a common phrase—all the comforts of home—that captures this daily return to safety and warmth…