How Pop Culture Can Make You Appreciate What You Have & Why We ALL need to be watching the "Handmaid's Tale"
First of all, this is not a sponsored plug for HULU! But I have become rather obsessed with their amazing show The Handmaid's Tale, now in its second season…
First of all, this is not a sponsored plug for HULU! But I have become rather obsessed with their amazing show The Handmaid's Tale, now in its second season.
If you don't know the story, it is based on the iconic novel by Margaret Atwood, and takes place in a not-too-distant future in the U.S.- where women have been stripped of all agency and authority and freedom, essentially. June, the protagonist, is forced to become a "handmaid," a human breeder for wealthier, infertile families of the various "commanders" of this new and horrifying republic.
The acting, production value and attention to detail- even for great television, it is really an extraordinary work of art, I feel...
And it is basically terrifying. It is exquisitely brutal in showing us how freedom can be stripped away to the point where you are left utterly victimized. As many friends I have become rather obsessed with this show, some refuse to watch it. It's too "disturbing," they say. Okay, I get that...Life is too short, there are so many other fabulous things to with our time (and great shows to watch! ;) So, why bother, right?
I think, especially in this incredibly tense political atmosphere, it is so very important to value the freedom we have, in this country and in our personal lives, and learn to cherish it better. One recent episode of the show made me come to the conclusion that I need to go out dancing! (And not to go out dancing more, just...to GO! I couldn't recall the last time I had been.) I mean...
As inundated as we are with just SO may blog and Instagram posts, TV reccos for the weekend, fresh movies, news updates coming in from every direction- please remember to take the time to seek out the things in our everyday culture that not only inspire and enrich you, but scare the sh*t out of you too, in a very good, productive way...
It will keep you on your toes, especially with all of these many elections coming up in June and then November. The more you can appreciate the fullness and freedom of your life right now (stripped of your current desires and longings and dreams) the more you can realize just how important it is to value it, in any way you can: Whether that be volunteering for the upcoming elections and GOTV (Get Out The Vote!) processes in your town or city, or spending more time on real, genuine activism than constant Facebook haranguing, even the most mundane of your days has value when you appreciate the freedom you do have...xo
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