Have a Kondo Hangover? What to do When the Decluttering Ends...

Yes, many of us may have already watched the Netflix series, “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo.” And yes, she is magic, and adorable, and very, very motivating. If you are on this site, I can only assume that you not only have also watched it in its entirety, but were inspired enough to Kondo your whole place, in order, as she suggests, starting with dumping every single piece of clothing and all of your shoes and accessories on your floor and the bed. (!) (Yes, I did this a few months back, too, and not for the first time!)

And you did it all! You went full-Kondo!  You purged your wardrobe, shed a lot of your books and shredded more than a ton of your paperwork. You literally pillaged your miscellaneous objects ( “komono”, as they’re called in Japanese) and put together bags upon bags to go into your alley to be picked up by grateful strangers, of dropped off at the local Goodwill or Salvation Army.  And, finally, you painstakingly even hit your photographs and memorabilia, which was definitely not easy. But you did it! You only kept things that “sparked joy.”

 But then…now what?

In fact, this feeling f depletion after doing a ton of organizing was one of the main reasons I started “House and Mind.”

Because there is SO much more to organizing than purging and putting your remaining things in their proper place.

There are LOTS more of internal “items” that are still going to need some MAJOR sorting, purging and putting away….

Guess what? Now, your physical space is no longer an excuse. This may hurt a bit! Your mind may be desperately  searching for a quick fix, something to store and clean and file away.

Maybe it’s time to Kondo those old dreams, ex-flames, half-done projects…File them away, or make time, in the case of a creative or work thing- to actually square it away-one way or the other.

Finish it. That’s what you really want to do, after all. Take all the energy you spent cleaning and de-cluttering, and give it to yourself, right now. Make a plan, clear your time. Find the mental space. You deserve it…


Embrace Your Story