Do  You Work a "Real" Job?

I think I have always had a huge problem with lifestyle or “wellness” sites because they never seem to address the whole swath of a country’s vast eco-system- the socio-economics that are in play, and at stake, and the people behind them.

In fact, maybe someone working full-time at a factory, or cleaning houses, or fixing cars, while raising a family, doesn’t have time to read a blog like this one…But, isn’t that a rather ridiculous and obnoxious assumption? Yesssss....Of course it is!

It’s why the U.S. has become so divided lately, among other reasons, because of these very same assumptions, and on both sides, I might add.

We think it would be really so helpful and informative for us to be able to hear from people who work labor-intensive jobs and therefore, have specific issues or needs the likes of sites like ours, House and Mind, usually don’t usually address. We hope that we can be writing for all of our readers. That everyone can find real value in these posts, and gain some sense of clarity, solace, comfort and perhaps, insight from reading them. We want everyone to hopefully be able to gain this type of value from being here. 

If this is YOU, we would love to be able to consider what your life is like, day in and day out, and, if possible, share it with us. I probably cannot understand it directly, that is true. But I have worked in the service industry for years in the past when I was younger, and my day job can get quite stressful now. Maybe you can help us to understand your needs more. 

So, tis post is a little call-to-action, of sorts:

*IF YOU WORK IN MANUAL LABOR (A “HARD” JOB) DRIVING A TRUCK, CLEANING HOUSES, WORKING IN A FACTORY OR ON A FARM, IN CONSTRUCTION, OR WITHIN THE SERVICE INDUSTRY, WE WOULD REALLY LIKE TO HEAR FROM YOU: What do you do to decompress? What makes you happiest? What do you wish were different in your life? How do you deal with stress? What pisses you off? How are you the most misunderstood? How do you deal with hardship? Illness? Pain? What would you like to see on these pages? We are here to help. Tell us what you need. 

Please email us, or leave a comment, below (you can also do so anonymously.) Don’t be shy! And please, feel free to pass this on to any friends, if it  doesn’t apply directly to you…If you think this request is obnoxious or condescending, I understand that. But trust us: It is truly genuine. 

We would so appreciate your stories, feedback, knowledge and insight...Thank you…xo




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